Tarot in Pandemic & Revolution

TAROT March 16 program Pre-Opening


In May 2020 I had a dream, a fortune teller read the Tarot to me, and it was a deck with beautiful and rare images of Revolution and Pandemic and things related to the pandemic and our time.

I decided to ask my artist friends to create this deck all together, and after several months I got 78 images of 23 artists. Later I had another dream, where the fortune teller read me the Tarot but with poems. When I woke up I started calling my friends local poets, and after few months working in that part, I have 43 poets involved in the project.

It is fantastic to have a community that supports dreams, which when made real will cause more dreams and new realities.

I finally got a local publisher for this project, J. K. Fowler form Nomadic Press, and this is really a dream coming true.

Thanks to all my collaborators, specially Reneé Baldocchi, I can recognize love and artwork, as a revolutionary act in the middle of pandemic.

Some cards: In the image above: King of Swords by Hugh D´Andrade, Page of Cups by Cece Carpio and II of Wands by Justin Hoover. In the image below: The Hermit by Pancho Peskador, Queen of Swords by Susan Matthews, Justice by Mara Lea Brown.

In the image above: Ace of Swords by Kim Shuck,  The World by Allison Snopek, The Magician by Hugh D´Andrade. In the image below: The High Priestess by José Antonio Galloso, The Fool by Tania Esmeralda Padilla, and Judgement by Susana Aragon.

Adrian holding The Empress by Malik Seneferu, III of Pentacles by Willow Brown and Death by Adrian Arias.